When you think of a renovation in Outremont, you should always think about obtaining a permit before starting. It is necessary to obtain a permit before undertaking construction work, interior or exterior renovations or the demolition of a building. By issuing a permit, the city can verify that the work complies with the regulations in force to ensure public safety and quality of life. The first step is to contact the city for information on your project and visit your city's website to find out if you need a permit. Here is the step if you need a permit: 1- Have plans drawn by an architect and / or an engineer 2- Obtain a quote from a general contractor to declare the price of the work to be performed 3- Bring your certificate of location 4- If someone else is going for you, you will need a power of attorney 5- Photos of your property 6- Payment, due on the day of your request. 7- Fill in the necessary forms
1- Replacement of kitchen of bathroom cupboards, sinks, taps and bathrooms
2- Interior doors in a dwelling unit, except if located in a fire separation
3- Electrical heating system or natural gas
4- Exterior facing: Occasional repairs or maintenance
5- Roofing: Replace a flat roof membrane
6- Foundation and Foundation drains
7- Heat pump and air conditioners
8- Landscaping
9- Fences
10- Sheds and dependencies
11- Parking spaces
12- Balconies, stairs and decks
12- Pools, whirlpool baths and hot tubs
Although the work described above may be carried out without authorization, the applicable regulations must be observed. Otherwise, you will be liable to a fine. It is also important to visit the website to see the applicable exceptions. MORE HELP Finding our way through all of this information can sometimes be overwhelming. The general contractor can also help you navigate this labyrinth for your renovations in Outremont. Lineaire General Contractor has more than 25 years of experience in the field and can guide you through all the stages, no matter in which neighborhood you live. Visit their website and call them to start your project. www.lineaireconstruction.com or 514-686-0661