With the cold season that we have here in Montreal, and the high cost of everything, we can't afford to waste our money on energy loss.
Our energy is supplied by a select few companies and they have a monopoly. Why thrown our money away to companies that already make billions of dollars, when you can take the necessary steps to keep most of that money to yourself. The one you work very hard for.
What is an Energy Efficient Home?
An Energy Efficient home is one that has very little loss of heat and very little air from the outside, circulating through, in the wrong places.
You should first start by passing your hand around all your doors, windows or any other wholes around the house. Do you feel any air? Do you feel any cold? If you so, that's a major energy loss.
Secondly, touch the walls that have nothing else behind them. The ones that only have the bricks behind. Are they of a normal temperature? Or are they cold? If they feel cold, you have an energy loss.
Lastly, what is your house heated with? If you are heating with oil, you are most definitely not saving money.
Did you know you can have access to several financial aid, from various government? The City of Montreal, the Government of Quebec, The Government of Canada and much more.
Home Insulation, Home Renovation, Foundation Repair, Roof Repair, Heating system change, Changing your Windows and Doors and much more... You can get some money back from just doing the work... and at the same time, you modernize your home, to make it more interesting for yourself or for future home buyers and make more money when you decide to sell. 2 in 1! Why Not Coconut!!
Here are some links to look at in order to get more information on how you can get help in saving energy and money all at once, through making your home more energy efficient.
Home Insulation, Home Renovation, Foundation Repair, Roof Repair, Heating system change, Changing your Windows and Doors and much more.
From The Lineaire General Contractor Team! Have a great day!
Canada: None at the moment. (2018-2019) Quebec: - Réno-Vert Tax Credit: https://www.revenuquebec.ca/en/citizens/tax-credits/renovert-tax-credit/ (All renovations that improves the eco friendliness of your home)
- Réno Climat: http://www.transitionenergetique.gouv.qc.ca/en/my-home/renoclimat/#.XAkqGC3MyNF (to be done before the renovations / For your heating system)
- Econo-Logis: http://www.transitionenergetique.gouv.qc.ca/en/my-home/econologis/#.XAkqqS3MyNE (Low income families)
- Chauffez Vert: http://www.transitionenergetique.gouv.qc.ca/en/my-home/chauffez-vert/#.XAkq-i3MyNE (Heating system)
- Novo-Climat: http://www.transitionenergetique.gouv.qc.ca/en/my-home/novoclimat/#.XAkreC3MyNE (New constructions)
- Reno-Region: http://www4.gouv.qc.ca/EN/Portail/Citoyens/Evenements/aines/Pages/programme-renoregion.aspx (For renovation outside of big cities)
- Electrical Car Charger: http://vehiculeselectriques.gouv.qc.ca/english/particuliers/remboursement.asp Montreal: - Major Residential Renovations: http://ville.montreal.qc.ca/portal/page?_pageid=9437,116693575&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL
- Renovation “à la carte”: http://ville.montreal.qc.ca/portal/page?_pageid=9437,116693573&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL Laval: - Replacement of fuel oil heating system: https://www.laval.ca/Pages/En/Citizens/fuel-oil-heating-system.aspx
- Restoration of heritage building: https://www.laval.ca/Pages/En/Citizens/renovation-restoration-heritage-building.aspx?lcidsync=1
- Home Adaptation program: https://www.laval.ca/Pages/En/Citizens/home-adaptation-program.aspx Autre: - Desjardins - Green Homes Program: https://www.desjardins.com/ca/personal/loans-credit/mortgages/green-homes-program/index.jsp
- Energir (Gaz Metro): https://www.energir.com/en/business/grants/energy-efficiency-programs/
- SHQ (Société Habitations du Québec): http://www.habitation.gouv.qc.ca/english.html - CMHC: Nothing currently, but to check anyways, in case something came. Possibility of some savings on your mortgage. *The photos are in french only.
